
The UK Crowdfunding Association – Autumn Conference

Please hold the Date!
What for?
The UK Crowdfunding Association – Autumn Conference
Sounds great who is speaking?
Speakers will include senior ministerial, political and industry representatives
What is it about:
How Crowdfunding can build a better economy, society and culture through the power (and money) of the crowd
When is it:
25th September 2013 – 8.30am (breakfast) – 11am (networking)
Where will it be held?
Ernst & Young LLP, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF
How do I sign up?
Places are limited to 150 – there will be an eventbrite event set up very shortly.
Registrations will be £10 for members/supporters of the UKCFA and £20 for non-members.
Join the mailing list using the sign up form on the right hand side to receive a mailing list when we’re open for registration.