
Star Citizen passes $20 million in crowd-funding

Cloud Imperium Games‘ crowd-funding campaign just keeps on giving

Chris Roberts’ Cloud Imperium Games has announced that its crowd-funding campaign for the PC space-sim Star Citizen has surpassed $20 million in funding. $10 million of that total was raised in the past four and a half months. Potential supporters can still fund the game at the Roberts Space Industries’s website.

“It was not quite a year ago when we began our voyage with this incredible community,” said Cloud Imperium founder Chris Roberts. “Honestly, we never dreamed we’d reach this point so quickly. It’s a testament to the passion that our backers have for space sims and PC gaming. We have the best community in all of gaming and they are literally taking part in helping us develop Star Citizen.”

“We are breaking new ground in community interaction,” he added. “The fans are involved through feedback forums, polls and direct contact with our dev team, and all the while they are continuing to back our project even more and helping us put out the word about Star Citizen. Our backers are our sales force. It’s really quite liberating for us and for our fans who are helping us create the dream of a true AAA PC game without the restrictions of a publisher.”

Source: Games Industry International