
07.10.13 Crowdfunding News Roundup – Snowden's crowdfunding crusade

Edward Snowden‘s, the controversial whistleblower is well on his $1.7 million way to crowdfunding his story. “Classified:  The Edward Snowden Story” has already raised $87,700 on their own crowdfunding site.  Add to that amount $746,050 raised via Bitcoin and project creators Travis Doering and Jason Bourque are well on their way to crowdfund their $1.7 Million goal. They are looking to raise the additional $866,250 needed to fully complete the film via Kickstarter. @Crowdfundinsider

So why do most crowdfunding campaigns fail? Crowdfunding Academy shares their insights right here. They estimate as much as 60% of campaigns fail. This however does vary across the different crowdfunding business models. Reward and donation based crowdfunding tend to be more successful than equity and debt where crowdfunders tend to be more discerning over which projects will get their cash. @CrowdfundingAcademy

The asks if crowdfunding can support employment of disabled people and those with learning difficulties. Have a look at this project raising on Pozible for more info – still plenty of time to go. I hear you ask? Combining the world’s newest currency with crowdfunding. Where could this lead to?

CrowdfundBeat  asks if failure is really such a bad thing in crowdfunding. Brenda Romera, veteran game designer, argues that actually it is a blessing in disguise.

Eileene Zimmerman on whether research can be crowdfunded? With new platforms emerging that focus on education and crowdfunding such as the UKCFA’s very own Sponsorcraft, it seems crowdfunding is perfectly placed to bridge the gap between intellectual curiosity and crowdfunding extravaganzas. Check out Venitism’s blog to take a closer look.

Bangalore is hosting a crowdfunding meetup today to explore the Indian context to crowdfunding. If you are in town why not drop in? See here for more details.  Also visit the UKCFA’s partner in the Indian continent – The National Crowdfunding Association of India.

West Virginia has its own crowdfunding site? Really? Projects by West Virginians for West Virginians right on their very own platform.

Crowdfunding can reduce economic inequality says Michael Ibberson and creates jobs. We need some studies to look into just how many jobs crowdfunding has created. With over £3 billion expected to be raised this year alone, this must equate new opportunities, new businesses and new ways to distribute money outside of mainstream banks. Just how much though?

CrowdFuture is round two of Twintangibles highly acclaimed conference taking place in Rome on the 19th October – get your tickets here.  Don’t miss out!

Mr. Kevin McCloud kicks up the record for the highest ever equity crowdfunding raising – a Guinness field day here we come brought to you by Crowdcube

Across the Channel, France is powering ahead with crowdfunding as business owners turn to crowdfinance to achieve their entrepreneurial ambitions. In Les Echoes last week Julia Groves gave her insight into UK Crowdfunding to help inspire the continent.

By Kieran Garvey @Microwdfinance

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